Frequently Asked Questions

How early may I drop my child off at school?

Please keep your child with you until at least 8:20 a.m. We do not provide supervision for children who arrive earlier than that.

Can my child stay on campus to wait for me after school?

For you child’s safety, please pick him/her up on time after school unless he/she is involved in a supervised, school-sponsored activity.

What day is early release day and what time does school get out?

Every Monday is early release day. We dismiss K–5th graders at 2:15 p.m.

Do you allow visitors on the school campus?

Yes. But we ask that you please pick up a pass at the office during the school day before you go to your child’s classroom. For our students’ safety, our teachers will not admit guests or release students unless visitors display their pass. We will issue a special pass to parents who pick up their children on a daily basis. Students may not bring other students who do not attend Pecan Grove to visit our school.

May I volunteer in my child's classroom?

Absolutely. We love it when our parents join us at school and help out in the classroom. Please ask your child’s teacher for the district form that you MUST fill out prior to volunteering in the classroom.

Does Pecan Grove School provide bus service for students?

Yes, our students do have the privilege of riding a school bus to and from school. We have some basic rules that we expect our students to obey:

  • Students riding the bus MUST go home on the bus unless the parent comes for the student and checks him/her out or sends written permission that they wish the child to go elsewhere.
  • Please give the office at least 30 minutes notice if you plan to pick up your child rather than have him/her ride the bus.
  • Bus students are under the authority of the bus driver. We expect our students to behave on the bus and follow the same rules they have at school. We will deny bus-riding privileges to those students that offend the bus driver’s rules.
Is it okay for my child to take a cell phone to school?

Students should not bring cell phones, toys, large sums of money or other valuables to school. The school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items. We do not allow the students to have electronic devices at school that may distract or cause an interruption to the school environment. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones and Game Boys.

Does Pecan Grove have a dress code?

Pecan Grove has a school uniform. Students wear dark green, black, or grey shirts with jeans, khaki, or black pants/shorts/skirts.

What should I do if my child will be absent from school?

Please telephone the school at 928-502-8050 on the day of the absence before 9:00 a.m. Also, please send in a doctor’s letter.

What should I do if my child will be absent for an extended period of time?

When your child has been absent at least two days from school, you may call the school office in the morning so that we can notify the teacher on time for him/her to gather your child’s work by the end of the day. We will also send home the necessary books. You can pick up your child’s assignments in the office at the end of the school day or we can send them home with another child, if you’d like.

What do I need to do if my child is living in an area outside of Pecan Grove's attendance area but wants to attend Pecan Grove Elementary School next year?

Students must return an application by February for continued attendance if they are living in another attendance area. We will accept out of attendance area students only with these conditions:

  • The school or classroom is not over capacity.
  • Transportation is not a concern. Students do not arrive early or stay late and expect the school to provide supervision.
  • Attendance is good. There are not frequent absences or a pattern of absences and/or tardies.
  • Discipline is not a concern.
My child is not covered by an insurance plan. Will the school's insurance policy cover my child?

School insurance is available to the students for a small fee. It is especially desirable for students who are not covered by other insurance plans.

How often can I expect to have a parent/teacher conference or receive a report card?

After the first nine weeks of school, we require a parent to attend the first parent/teacher Conference. Your child’s teacher will contact you to arrange for a conference. Our goal is 100% participation by parent/guardian and teacher at the end of the first nine weeks. After the first grading period, either the parent or the teacher can request a conference. We will schedule several early dismissal days to accommodate parent/teacher conferences in November and March. We will send home report cards after the 2nd nine-week period in February and again after the 4th nine-week period in June.

What meals does the cafeteria serve, and what is the cost?

Elementary Non-Pricing Schools: Carver, McGraw, OCJ, Roosevelt, and Pecan Grove

We know that breakfast is the most important part of the day. That is why at Yuma School District One, we offer breakfast at no cost. We serve breakfast from 8:20 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. Please join us. If a parent or child would like to join a student and purchase breakfast, the cost is $2.00. We also offer lunch to all students at no cost. If a parent or guest would like to join their student for lunch, the cost is $3.00. We look forward to serving you.

If your student brings a sack lunch from home, they may purchase a juice or milk for 25 cents to go with their meal.

Does Pecan Grove have a library where my child can check our books?

Yes. We believe that having the opportunity to visit and use the Pecan Grove Library Media Center is an important part of our school program. We have filled it with many wonderful books and magazines especially for young children. With your permission, your child will be able to bring home the books he/she selects during library visits to share and enjoy with you. We ask that you help your child remember the library skills we have taught him/her by helping him/her to take good care of the books he/she takes home and return it on time. We will not allow students with any overdue books to check out additional books.